Microsoft Technology Centres Azure Infrastructure Lab

You will now create a second Windows Virtual Machine. Please follow these instructions carefully and when looking at the naming convention, focus on Amsterdam VM1.

  1. Click Create a resource at the top of the left blade.

  2. In the search filter type Windows Server and hit return. Select Windows Server.

  3. Select Windows Server 2019 Datacenter from the drop down menu and ensure Resource Manager is selected and click Create.

  4. Ensure your subscription is selected. Under resource group, select the Amsterdam one you created earlier.

  5. Set the following details for the Virtual Machine, leave everything else at default:
    • Virtual machine name: <vm name>
    • Region: West Europe
    • Availability Options: Availability Set, select the set you created earlier (<availability set name>). If you do not see it listed STOP, do not continue until you can put the second VM within the availability set.
    • Size: DS1_v2 Standard
  6. Type a username and password for your virtual machine.

  7. Under Public inbound ports, select Allow selected ports and ensure that RDP (3389) is selected.

  8. Click Next to Disks.

  9. Set the disk type to Standard HDD and under advanced, set Use managed disks to No. Select the storage account that you created for Amsterdam.

  10. Click Next to Networking.

  11. Ensure the following is set for the network leaving everything else at default. Failing to correctly configure it here will cause problems later on:
    • Virtual network: <vnet name> - Use the one you created earlier.
    • Public IP: <instance-level pip name> - Use the one you just created for the second VM.
    • NIC network security group: Select Advanced, then select the one you created earlier (<nsg name>).
  12. Click Next to Management.

  13. Set Boot diagnostics and OS guest diagnostics to Off, this just saves some money on the subscription.

  14. Click Review + create, then after validating the information click Create.

  15. The VM may take up to 10 minutes to deploy.
