Microsoft Technology Centres Azure Infrastructure Lab

You will now create a second Public IP Address (PIP) for the new Virtual Machine you will be creating. When looking at the naming convention, focus on Amsterdam VM1.

  1. In the left-hand blade – click All Services and under Networking, click Public IP addresses then click Add.

  2. Name: <instance-level pip name>

  3. SKU, IP Version, IP address management and Idle timeout left at default values.

  4. DNS name label: <instance-level pip DNS name> (This needs to be world-unique and lower-case with only numbers or letters, no special characters).

  5. Ensure your subscription is selected.

  6. Resource group: Select the one you created for Amsterdam.

  7. Location: West Europe.

  8. Click Create.

  9. Your second Public IP Address will now be created. Notice near the top right corner, the status of “creating” might be displayed. If not, click the bell icon to see when the Public IP Address has been created.
