Microsoft Technology Centres Azure Infrastructure Lab

You will now enable HTTP connections into the network to allow the IIS Web Server to be contactable. This will involve creating a new rule in the Network security group to allow HTTP traffic over port 80 into the virtual network.

  1. In the left-hand blade – click Resource groups and click the Resource group you are working in, then click your Network security group <nsg name>.

  2. Select Inbound security rules.

  3. Click Add then create a new rule using the following details leaving everything else at default:
    • Destination port ranges: 80
    • Name: AllowHTTP

    Click Add to create the rule.

  4. Go back to your Resource group and select your Public IP address. On the Overview blade it should show it’s fully qualified domain name in the structure of <instance-level pip DNS name> There should be a small copy icon next to it. Click it.

  5. You should now be able to connect to the webserver, in a browser connect to your copied URL and you should see your page with the modified image.
